- Seno D. Panjaitan, (2008). Development process for distributed automation systems based on elementary mechatronic functions, Book published by Shaker Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-8322-6934-0.
- S. Panjaitan and G. Frey, (2008). Development process for distributed automation systems combining UMl and IEC 61499, International Journal on Manufacturing Research, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp 1-20, Inderscience publisher.
- D. Dimitrova, S. Panjaitan, I. Batckova, and G. Frey, (2008). IEC 61499 component based approach for Batch Control Systems, Procedings of IFAC World Congress, Seoul (South Korea).
- S. Panjaitan and G. Frey, (2007). Operation Modes Handling in Distributed Automation Systems, Proc. of the IFAC Workshop on Dependable Control on Discrete Systems, Paris (France), pp. 241-246.
- S. Panjaitan and G. Frey, (2007). Functional Control Objects in Distributed Automation Systems, Proc. of the IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Alicante (Spain), hal. 293-298.
- S. Panjaitan and G. Frey, (2006). Combination of UML modeling and the IEC 61499 Function Block concept for the development of distributed automation systems, Proc. of the 11th International IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’06), Prague (Czech Republic).
- S. Panjaitan and G. Frey, (2006). Product-driven control in manufacturing systems using IEC 61499 and RFID, Proc. of the 12th International IFAC Sysmposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM’06), St. Etienne (France), hal. 143-148.
- S. Panjaitan and G. Frey, (2006). Designing generic/reusable functionality based controllers for distributed control using UML, Proc. of International IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’06), Orlando Florida (USA), hal. 321-326.
- S. Panjaitan, T. Hussain, and G. Frey, (2005). Development of re-configurable distributed controllers in IEC 61499 based on task schedules described by UML diagrams and Gantt charts, Proc. of the 3rd International IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’05), Perth (Australia), hal. 44-49.
- S. Panjaitan and G. Frey, (2005). Functional design for IEC 61499 distributed control systems using UML Activity diagram, Proc. the International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications and Information Technology (ICICI’05), Bandung (Indonesia), hal. 64-70.
- S.D. Panjaitan, J. Marpaung, and M. Saleh, (2004). Conversion Petri net model into LD (Ladder Diagram) and its software implementation, Proc. of HEDS Seminar on Science and Technology (HEDS-SST), Bidang Teknik, Pekanbaru (Indonesia), hal. 467-480.
- S.D. Panjaitan, (2003). Implementing PID controller combined with Fuzzy logic controller in speed control of DC motor, Proc. of HEDS Seminar on Science and Technology (HEDS-SST), Bidang Teknik, Lampung (Indonesia).
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