- IFAC Workshop on Dependable Control on Discrete Systems 2007 (DCDS’07), Paris, France. (Pembicara, Peserta)
- IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems 2007 (IMS’07), Alicante, Spain. (Pembicara, Peserta)
- International IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation 2006 (ETFA’06), Pragues, Czech Republic. (Pembicara, Peserta)
- International IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation 2006 (ICRA’06), Orlando Florida, USA. (Pembicara, Peserta)
- International IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics 2005 (INDIN’05), Perth, Australia. (Pembicara, Peserta)
- International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications and Information Technology 2005 (ICICI’05), Bandung. (Pembicara, Peserta)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Seminar/Workshop Yang Diikuti
Publikasi Ilmiah
Jurnal dan Buku:
- Seno D. Panjaitan, (2008). Development process for distributed automation systems based on elementary mechatronic functions, Book published by Shaker Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-8322-6934-0.
- S. Panjaitan and G. Frey, (2008). Development process for distributed automation systems combining UMl and IEC 61499, International Journal on Manufacturing Research, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp 1-20, Inderscience publisher.
- D. Dimitrova, S. Panjaitan, I. Batckova, and G. Frey, (2008). IEC 61499 component based approach for Batch Control Systems, Procedings of IFAC World Congress, Seoul (South Korea).
- S. Panjaitan and G. Frey, (2007). Operation Modes Handling in Distributed Automation Systems, Proc. of the IFAC Workshop on Dependable Control on Discrete Systems, Paris (France), pp. 241-246.
- S. Panjaitan and G. Frey, (2007). Functional Control Objects in Distributed Automation Systems, Proc. of the IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Alicante (Spain), hal. 293-298.
- S. Panjaitan and G. Frey, (2006). Combination of UML modeling and the IEC 61499 Function Block concept for the development of distributed automation systems, Proc. of the 11th International IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’06), Prague (Czech Republic).
- S. Panjaitan and G. Frey, (2006). Product-driven control in manufacturing systems using IEC 61499 and RFID, Proc. of the 12th International IFAC Sysmposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM’06), St. Etienne (France), hal. 143-148.
- S. Panjaitan and G. Frey, (2006). Designing generic/reusable functionality based controllers for distributed control using UML, Proc. of International IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’06), Orlando Florida (USA), hal. 321-326.
- S. Panjaitan, T. Hussain, and G. Frey, (2005). Development of re-configurable distributed controllers in IEC 61499 based on task schedules described by UML diagrams and Gantt charts, Proc. of the 3rd International IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’05), Perth (Australia), hal. 44-49.
- S. Panjaitan and G. Frey, (2005). Functional design for IEC 61499 distributed control systems using UML Activity diagram, Proc. the International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications and Information Technology (ICICI’05), Bandung (Indonesia), hal. 64-70.
- S.D. Panjaitan, J. Marpaung, and M. Saleh, (2004). Conversion Petri net model into LD (Ladder Diagram) and its software implementation, Proc. of HEDS Seminar on Science and Technology (HEDS-SST), Bidang Teknik, Pekanbaru (Indonesia), hal. 467-480.
- S.D. Panjaitan, (2003). Implementing PID controller combined with Fuzzy logic controller in speed control of DC motor, Proc. of HEDS Seminar on Science and Technology (HEDS-SST), Bidang Teknik, Lampung (Indonesia).
Pengalaman Riset yang didanai
- Designing an automation control reactor for cost-effective waste water treatment (Dana Indonesian Toray Science Foundation 2009)
- Development process for Distributed Automation Systems based on elementary Mechatronic Functions (Disertasi S3 2004-2007, Dana ADB proyek TPSDP, DAAD ISGS, dan Proyek Ambient Intelligent)
- Implementasi sistem kendali terotomatisasi pada pengisi tablet melalui jaringan Petri menggunakan Ladder diagram (Dana DIKS Fakultas 2003)
- Konversi model Petri net ke Ladder diagram dan implementasi perangkat lunaknya (Dana DIKTI Penelitian dosen muda, 2003)
- Conversion Petri net models into Ladder diagram (Dana HEDS-JICA, 2003)
- Implementing PID controller combined with Fuzzy logic controller in speed control of DC Motor (Dana HEDS-JICA)
- Konversi jaringan Petri waktu nyata ke Ladder Diagram dan implementasi softwarenya (Tesis S2, Dana World bank program Karya Siswa)
- Prototipe kendali pengisi jumlah produksi tablet (Skripsi S1, Beasiswa Pertamina dan KWI)
Pengalaman Membimbing Mahasiswa
Penelitian berkompetisi:
Tesis S2:
- Entwurfsprozess für verteilte Steuerungen mit UML 2.0 und IEC 61499 [Diplom/Master thesis: Christian Walke, University of Kaiserslautern, 2005]
- Building Reconfigurable Controllers in IEC 61499 Based on the Control Functionality Allocation and UML [Master thesis: Bencha-Boon Uea, University of Kaiserslautern, 2005]
Skripsi S1:
- Modular state space analysis for Distributed Control Systems [Vordiplom/Bachelor research: Wu Yi, University of Kaiserslautern, 2007]
- Netzwerkbasierte Anbindung von RFID-Hardware an verteilte Steuerungen nach IEC 61499 [Vordiplom/Bachelor research: Bern Schulze, University of Kaiserslautern, 2007]
- Spezifikation von Betriebsumschaltungen in verteilten Automatisierungssystemen [Vordiplom/Bachelor research: Waldemar Lorenz, University of Kaiserslautern, 2006]
- Erstellung von IEC-61499 Schnittstellenbausteinen für ein SNAP Mikrocontroller System [Vordiplom/Bachelor research: Ernest Mbemmo, 2006]
Pengalaman Mengajar
- Komponen Sistem Kendali (S1 F.TEKNIK UNTAN, Pontianak, 2009-Sekarang)
- Perancangan Sistem Otomatik (S1 F.TEKNIK UNTAN, Pontianak, 2009-Sekarang)
- Kendali Industri (S1 F.TEKNIK UNTAN, Pontianak, 2008-Sekarang)
- Optimisasi (S1, S1 Non reguler, dan S2, F.TEKNIK UNTAN, Pontianak, 2008-Sekarang)
- Logic Control (Teaching assistant for Bachelir Degree, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, 2004-2005)
- Sistem Kendali Cerdas (S1 F.TEKNIK UNTAN, Pontianak, 2002-2003)
- Sistem Kendali Kokoh (S1 F.TEKNIK UNTAN, Pontianak, 2002-2003)
- Sistem Kendali Terprogram (S1 F.TEKNIK UNTAN, Pontianak, 2003)
- Dasar Sistem Kendali (S1 F.TEKNIK UNTAN, Pontianak, 2002-2004)
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